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Evidence & Research

On this page you can source important information on key issues.

County Lines police need better training on child slavery and exploitation
Public Health Scotland uses retail sales data as part of the Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy (MESAS) programme and has published two reports examining the data.
Guidance for local authorities to support them in commissioning effective alcohol and drug treatment and recovery services in their areas
Residential rehabilitation can reduce substance misuse and improve health and quality of life according to a new review
Pathways into, through and out of Residential Rehabilitation in Scotland
Adolescents more vulnerable to cannabis addiction but not other mental health risks
Home Affairs Committee meeting on drugs. Second evidence session of the parliamentary drugs debate
The report "Preventing drug use among vulnerable groups of people", commissioned by the Home Office, has been published by the ACMD.
Home Affairs Committee meeting on drugs. Video of the parliamentary drugs debate which took place in April 2022
Online sales and deliveries of alcohol. Commissioned research questions how robust current systems are in protecting children and vulnerable adults from alcohol harm
Behind the data: With death rates rising across services, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust decided to dig a little deeper into the statistics
Victimisation and its relationship to drug misuse, common mental disorder and well-being in England and Wales
The Kerslake Commission's report on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
Phoenix Futures: Making Rehab Work For You, For Families, For Communities, For Society, For All.
"I feel like a robot": A retrospective study differentiating life course persistent offenders within a substance misuse cohort
Culture, Connection and Belonging – A Study of Addiction and Recovery in Nottingham’s BAME Community
Part 1 of Dame Carol Black Independent Review of Drugs
An Update on the Evidence for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation
Part 2 of Dame Carol Black Independent Review of Drugs
Road to Recovery (Centre for Social Justice)
European Drug Report 2021: Trends and Developments
BAC-IN, Out of Sight Out of Mind
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