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Recovery Group UK – Aims and Objectives

Support Group

Promoting Recovery

  • We will actively seek opportunities for people that enable rapid and supported access to the widest possible range of community and residential rehabilitative treatment that leads to sustained and abstinent recovery from all forms of addiction.

  • Recognising that certain client groups face barriers specific to their situations, for example young people and those with problematic gambling issues, we will ensure inclusivity and the availability of treatment philosophies, regimes, and settings that are tailored to meet each, every, and multiple needs.

  • To encourage more young people to access prevention and treatment programmes.

  • Working from a solid and peer reviewed evidence base, the promotion of concurrent treatment for of co-occurring (dual diagnosis) conditions will be central to our culture, and where possible we will seek to embed this philosophy nationally, and solicit and secure funding to sustainably safeguard this ethos.

Advocating for Excellence

  • Addiction is indiscriminate, making no distinction for age, religious belief, ethnicity, gender or any other characteristic, protected or otherwise. With the right support, delivered in the right way, place, and time, recovery is equally possible irrespective of circumstance.

  • To influence the reduction of bureaucracy in the treatment system, by introducing a simplified Whitehall co-ordination unit thus ensuring a reform of Public Health which will result in the removal of regional tiers and the introduction of simplified performance frameworks and re-invest the savings in recovery orientated services.

  • Advocate and promote the development of an integrated network of specialist services, that together with more traditional provision, will promote prevention and targeted interventions that then lead to bespoke rehabilitative treatment. Always, the core focus will be the continuation of engagement that leads to the retention of individuals within the recovery pathway, whatever their challenges, with the aim of returning them to safe and productive situations.

Group Discussion

Confronting Stigma and Removing Barriers

  • By encouraging and nurturing the development of recovery communities, where local authorities, the third and private sectors, as well as other related stakeholders fluidly cooperate, recovery becomes visible. In this way, beneficiary outcomes are known to improve and are far more likely to be sustained beyond treatment.

  • The promotion of peer to peer support, in community settings, is central to success and we would mentor and develop community-based recovery champions with lived experience of exactly the same challenges as those that are just beginning their journey to prolonged abstinence from addiction or other socially and mentally damaging behaviour.

  • Those in recovery, with lived experience are among the most valuable assets that any recovery program could hope to have. We will use their knowledge and promote this in every possible way using varied media platforms to challenge stigma, provide real life examples of success, and to encourage access, admiration, and to give hope to those at the beginning of their own recovery journey.

Family and Wraparound Support

  • Our services will provide family focused services that significantly involve all family members, carers and loved ones in treatment and rehabilitation programmes while ensuring that individuals remain the navigators of their own recovery.

Image by Tyler Nix

Qualifications and Careers in the Field

  • To promote the development of a confident and competent workforce, including clinicians and commissioners, to support clients effectively through all the stages of the recovery journey.

  • To influence and role model a cultural shift towards an inspired, motivated, and recovery focussed workforce will enable effective client support from first engagement, and then seamless progression through all stages of their recovery journey. We will support this through service user groups and forums where the views of those in treatment or recovery are central to sculpting service provision.

  • Promoting a refocusing on a National Workforce Strategy that sets requirements of qualifications for staff working in each part of the sector, including young people's services, the criminal justice system and commissioners.  This should be set out within a framework of quality standards.

Transparent and Measurable, Evidence-based Commissioning

  • Ensure that services are commissioned and purchased according to measurable outcomes related to recovery, and that these services adhere to enforceable quality standards.

  • Influencing policy makers and commissioners to ensure that the available public funds are directed towards treatment systems and interventions that can prove their effectiveness in facilitating recovery.

  • Championing funding being made available to support the development of research evidence on not only effectiveness of treatment models but the factors that are critical to their successful implementation.

Houses of Parliament

Government Funding

  • To provide a platform for the reform of the UK drug and alcohol treatment system and to influence the UK Governments Drug Strategy and work with policy makers and commissioners to ensure that the available public funds are directed toward treatment systems and interventions that can prove their effectiveness in facilitating recovery.

  • Suggesting a percentage of allocated budgets should go towards residential rehabilitation and abstinent recovery services which should be ring fenced within the main treatment budget.

Social and Media Stigma

  • To promote the potential and value of a digital recovery community across all media platforms. To promote that recovery is possible and achievable bringing encouragement and hope.

Closing Statement

  • All of our actions will promote services that are commissioned and purchased with measurable outcomes related to recovery embedded in their delivery mechanisms. Using and responding to change based on data and experience, we will influence policy makers and commissioners to ensure that the scant public funds available for residential or community-based rehabilitation are put to the most efficient and effective use.

  • In particular, we will champion treatment systems that the best outcomes for beneficiaries and therefore the best value to society and the public purse. We will aim to share widely our findings on both the relative efficacy of treatment models for various life challenges, and other, superficially peripheral factors that promote and sustain recovery.

  • Using such evidence, we will lobby and influence central Government policy to promote directed spending to maximise success for the good of individuals, treatment providers, and the UK’s wider society.

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